International Political Science Association
IPSA was founded in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
The special mandate of IPSA, expressed in its Constitution, is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world, building academic networks linking East and West, North and South. Its aim is to create an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. It seeks to promote collaboration between scholars in emerging and established democracies and to support the academic freedoms needed for the social sciences to flourish.

The Central European Political Science Association
CEPSA was established in the year 1994 as a common forum of Central European political scientists. The basic idea behind the founding of the CEPSA was to develop links among political scientists from post-communist countries who were making effort to establish political science in their respective countries. However, the idea of a common Central European identity played an important role in discussions about the necessity of a collective political science association in the region as well.

European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
ECPR was founded in 1970, they are the leading European academic association with a mission to advance political science.
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) was established by a group of twelve founding European universities and as the result of a project led by eminent political scientists, Jean Blondel and Stein Rokkan, to…‘break down the barriers between the national traditions of the discipline and create a truly international community of scholars within Europe…’

The International Public Policy Association (IPPA)
IPPA is a non-profit organization created in December 2014 with the aim of promoting scientific research in the field of Public Policy, and to contribute to its international development

Association of Schools of Political Studies of the Council of Europe
The Council of Europe Schools of Political Studies were established to train future generations of political, economic, social and cultural leaders in countries in transition. With the participation of national and international experts, they run annual series of seminars and conferences on topics such as European integration, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and globalisation.
The first School of Political Studies was created in Moscow in 1992 by a group of civil society activists seeking to promote democratic values. Since then, 20 other schools have been set up along the same lines. They now form a genuine network covering the whole of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, as well as some countries in the Southern Mediterranean region.

The International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS)
IAPSS) is a platform for political science students and students interested in political science issues. The association is international, politically independent, non-profit, and student-run, and aims to have a global impact in the political science sphere.
The idea of establishing an association for political science students was born in 1996 in Rome (Italy), when SPIL (the Society for Political Science Students in Leiden, the Netherlands) visited its local counterparts in Rome.

Polish Political Science Association (PPSA)
in November 1957, the Polish Political Science Association was established in Warsaw as the first political science association in Central and Eastern Europe and one of the first in the world.

International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)
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Political Studies Association
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

American Political Science Association (APSA)
Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association (APSA) is the leading professional organization for the study of political science and serves more than 11,000 members in more than 100 countries. With a range of programs and services for individuals, departments, and institutions, APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe to deepen our understanding of politics, democracy, and citizenship throughout the world.

Association for Political History (APH)
The Association for Political History (APH) has been created in September 2014 for promoting Political History broadly defined as History of Institutions, Parties, Public policies, History of Ideas or Political Cultures and behaviors.

Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
The Canadian Political Science Association began its activities in 1912 and was incorporated under the Canada Corporation Act in 1971.
The Association has a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee. Its administrative offices are located in Ottawa and it functions in Canada’s two official languages. If you want to know more about CPSA’s history, read “A century-old association, with a youthful bent”.

Political Studies Association of Ireland
The Political Studies Association of Ireland was established in 1982 with the purpose of promoting the study of politics both in and of Ireland. It adopted a constitution and a formal structure in 1984, when it also began organising an annual conference.

Northeastern Political Science Association
The Northeastern Political Science Association is one of the leading regional professional organizations in the United States for the study of politics. Every year, at its Annual Conference, the NPSA brings together hundreds of political scientists from all fields of study and from all parts of the United States and the world for the purpose of enhancing and expanding their knowledge of politics. It also organizes a book exhibit and offers awards for the best papers presented at the conference. Our website, besides its focus on the upcoming conference, offers also useful information on research and job opportunities, a Newsletter, a gallery of photos of past conferences, and more. You are invited to visit all our links and to consider participating in our future conferences as a paper presenter, panel organizer, panel chair or discussant, or just by simply attending. NPSA publishes the distinguished, peer-reviewed journal Polity.

The Italian Political Science Association
WISC stands for World International Studies Committee. It represents a network of national and regional professional associations in the academic field of International Studies. WISC includes more than 20 national or regional international studies associations worldwide and, thus, stands as the only genuinely global organization of international studies scholarship. Its declared mission is to promote scholarly cooperation and exchange at the international level and reach out in particular to those countries, regions and communities of scholarship which are still underrepresented in global international studies.

British International Studies Association (BISA)
BISA is a leading voice in International Studies in the UK and abroad. We develop and promote International Studies through our publications, research, academic networks and funding opportunities. Many of our members are experts in their field, but we’re diverse and support members at all stages of their careers. We’re known for our progressive, vibrant community, our annual conference and our strong research networks.

Turkish Political Science Association
Political Sciences Turkish Association was established to conduct research in the field of Political Science.
Purpose of the Association is to conduct national and international research in the field of Political Science, to encourage research and studies, and to share the results of the study with the public. It organizes national or international conferences, panels, seminars, symposiums and meetings for the development of Political Science and its recognition in society

Polish International Studies Association (PISA/PTSM: Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych)
The PTSM integrates researchers dealing with international relations issues from the point of view of individual disciplines, who see the need for institutionalized cooperation.
PTSM is open to cooperation with all scientific communities and representatives of scientific disciplines dealing with the issues of international relations.

Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
The Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) was founded in 1939 and is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in all areas of political science.
The purposes of the MPSA are to promote the professional study and teaching of political science, to facilitate communications between those engaged in such study, and to develop standards for and encourage research in theoretical and practical political problems.
As such, MPSA is a nonpartisan association. It does not support political parties or candidates.

Southern Political Science Association
The Southern Political Science Association is one of the oldest and largest political science organizations in the United States. Founded in 1929, its primary purposes are to publish a professional journal, to improve teaching, to promote interest and research in theoretical and practical political problems, to encourage communication and to develop standards of competence and respect between persons engaged in the professional study and practice of government and politics.

Canadian Political Science Association
The Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) is the professional association for those teaching and researching in Politics and International Relations in Australia and is dedicated to promoting and facilitating work in the discipline.

The Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA)
The Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) is Asia’s leading academic organization dealing with political and international studies. Modeled on academic institutions in North America and Western Europe, APISA serves as an academic community for scholars working on Asia. The Association organizes the annual (biennial) congress and sponsors a range of academic and professional activities such as book awards, fellowships, regional and international conferences and workshops, and capacity building.

The European Political Science Association EPSA
The European Political Science Association was founded in 2010, to pursue the following objectives:
To provide a professional association for academic political scientists whose membership is based on individual subscriptions.
To represent and promote political science in Europe.
To foster development in postgraduate training of political scientists in Europe.
To promote undergraduate teaching of political scientists in Europe.
To facilitate networking by political scientists worldwide.
To host an annual general conference of political scientists
To publish a general journal of political science that will have a profile, impact, and structure on a par with top general political science journals in the United States.The first edition of the EPSA journal, Political Science Research and Methods, was launched in 2013.

Australian Political Studies Association (APSA)
The Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) is the professional association for those teaching and researching in Politics and International Relations in Australia and is dedicated to promoting and facilitating work in the discipline.

German Political Science Association (GPSA)
Strongly influenced by the foundation of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) in Paris in 1949, the GPSA was established in February 1951. Over the past seventy years, the GPSA has evolved into one of the largest professional organizations for the study of political science in Europe. Starting with 40 members in the early 1950s, it currently counts more than 1,850 full members.

World International Studies Committee WISC
WISC stands for World International Studies Committee. It represents a network of national and regional professional associations in the academic field of International Studies. WISC includes more than 20 national or regional international studies associations worldwide and, thus, stands as the only genuinely global organization of international studies scholarship. Its declared mission is to promote scholarly cooperation and exchange at the international level and reach out in particular to those countries, regions and communities of scholarship which are still underrepresented in global international studies.